Clearance Item   Our Code: 17125X  /  MPN17125X

Mowbray Lite Flatpack

Clearance Item   Our Code: 17125X  /  MPN17125X

The Adjustable Mowbray Toilet Seat and Frame, raises the height of the toilet to make it easier for the user to lower themselves down onto it. Made to be as comfortable and durable as possible, the seat features support handles and can be adjusted to the users’ requirements.

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About the Mowbray Lite Flatpack

Have a helping hand when going to the toilet with the Mowbray Toilet Seat and Lite Frame perfect for those who wish to remain as independent as possible.

The frame is easy to assemble without any specialised tools or knowledge, once put together the frame can be fully adjusted. The height of the seat can be adjusted to ensure it fits perfectly over the toilet and the width of the support handles can be increased to reduce strain while ensuring good personal hygiene.

The design is specifically built for improved comfort and durability, the seat is slightly slanted to aid the user get into a good standing position when finished. The frame is made from high quality materials that are strong, sturdy, and easy to clean. The frame also features handles that give extra support for the user to lower and raise themselves from the toilet with ease.

The frame is light weight and easy to move and transfer. The stylish and modern design ensures the frame will not look out of place in any bathroom.

  • Raises toilet height
  • Support handles
  • Easy to assemble
  • Easy to clean

For more information please read the product specification.

Mowbray Lite Flatpack Specification

 Seat height 400 mm to 550 mm (16" to 21")
 Seat width 406 mm (16")
 Width between arms 510 mm to 660 mm (20" to 26")
 Frame height 610 mm to 770 mm (24" to 30")
Maximum User Weight 190 kg (30 stone)