Our Code: 13648  /  MPNSTB0012/STG002/SSG001

Samarit Transfer Boards

Our Code: 13648  /  MPNSTB0012/STG002/SSG001

Transfer Boards are used to bridge the gap between two sitting surfaces eg bed to chair, chair to commode and wheelchair to car, and allow a person to transfer between the two. They are lightweight in construction and are easy to handle and available in different versions.

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About the Samarit Transfer Boards

Transfer Boards have been designed to bridge the gap between two sitting surfaces eg bed to chair, chair to commode and wheelchair to car, and allow a person to transfer between the two. They are lightweight in construction and are easy to handle and available in the below versions.

Curved Board – Offers a working load limit of 130kg (20 stone) and is small, compact and easy to wipe clean.     

Bariatric Board – Has a maximum working load limit of 210kg (33 stone) so ideal for the heavier user.

Selfglide Glideboard – Primarily used by patients who can carry out the transfer themselves due to the strength in their arms. Maximum user weight limit of 180kg (28 stone). Features one ergonomically designed handle at the square end making it easy to insert underneath you prior to a transfer to another surface. Because of its size, it sits nicely in any carrying pack on the back of your wheelchair.

  • Designed to bridge the gap between two sitting surfaces
  • Used for bed to chair, chair to commode, wheelchair to car transfers
  • Lightweight and easy to use
  • Different versions available

For more information please read the product specification.

Samarit Transfer Boards Specification

  Curved Selfglide Bariatric
Dimensions 680mm x 230mm x 100mm 500 mm x 210 mm 100 mm 800 mm x 330 mm x 100 mm
Product weight 2 kg 0.8 kg 2.6 kg
 Max User Weight 200 kg 180 kg 220 kg

Samarit Transfer Boards Reviews